Sunday, April 5, 2009

Responding to Brosreview

I just got tagged by Brosreview to participate in a new meme. The following are my responses followed by the rules.

What are your current obsessions?

My I-pod nano, My motorazr V8, Donuts.

Which item from your closet are you wearing most often?

My band-T’s, shorts

Last thing you bought?

Live DVD’s of Maiden, Metallica, The Doors

What's for lunch?

I can do without it.

Say something to the person who tagged you:

He is the only person who is quite honest with response towards your works. He has guided me throughout, right from the first time I wrote and posted in a forum.

Favourite vacation spots:

Goa, Jaipur

Vacation spots I must visit before I die

Italy, Switzerland, Venice (Of course in Italy)

3 things to do before I die

Bungee Jump, to have my own Bentley Continental GT, and yes, to meet Bruce Dickinson and James Hetfield

Reading right now?

Pablo Naruda (Read last night)

What is the last movie you saw and enjoyed? Rate it out of 5 stars.

Dev D (4/5)

Guilty pleasure?

Sleeping, and eating of course

First spring thing?

Hard to remember, as we hardly have spring here in Delhi.

Best thing you ate or drank lately?

Some pop-corn.

Care to share some wisdom?

I am just a novice. Still I’ll try, always do what you enjoy doing. Be what you want to be and not what others want you to be.

Name the last blog you visited before this one, on which you left a comment. (link and info please!)

Ajey Padival’s Brosreview, an exceptional songwriter, a guide, actually more than a guide.

Mention one regret in life

No regrets. Live your life as it comes, regrets kills a part of it.

Rules and Invitation to participate:

1. Respond and rework.
2. Answer questions on your own blog.
3. Replace one question. Add one question.
4. Tag eight bloggers:

I tag the following:

The title comes here
Galib abhi zinda hai
Poetry my Passion
Ameeth Thomas’s Journal
One Knight Stands

Have fun!!!


Opaque said...

"He is the only person who is quite honest with response towards your works. He has guided me throughout, right from the first time I wrote and posted in a forum"

Glad to learn you think so Rahul. Thank you.

"an exceptional songwriter, a guide, actually more than a guide"

I always try to be so. I am glad to know that it works.

Make Me Disappear said...

@ Brosreview

Yes, it has worked with me. Still working, and will always work, I know for sure.

Thank You..!!