Monday, December 29, 2008

I've a life n they don't

Last night, i was comin' back from my work...i travel by metro from Moti Nagar to my place...There r a lot of roadside tea stalls in moti nagar...from the past 2 months, i pass by thm bt never noticed somethn like i noticed yesterday..I've a habit of walking, so i usually walk down to the metro station rather thn taking an auto or bus.
I was walking down to the metro stationn i passed by a tea stall. A young boy, might be around 6-7 yrs was washing the cups..It's the month of december n the cold in delhi is unbearable this time..All he weared was a big T-shirt n shorts in this chilling winter. People will say thr's nothin new about this.Yes, true. I was watching him and suddenly the owner of the stall came upto that poor child and hit him on the back of his head. The kid was hit so hard that he fell on he ground. The man thn started abusing him for not washing the cups well.
It hit me in the head. It made me think, do we really deserve to be called "Indians"? It made me realise that i and many people like me have a life and we still complain, but what about these kinds? They don't have a life and they don't even complain..
Are we realy Indians? Are we realy Human?


me said...

Dude, it is nice that you have blogged about this and your way of writing is more readable as it is not preachy. It makes one think.

Keep it up.

Opaque said...

They do have a life but it is less previlaged that you are. That's all.

They are more happy than us because they know to be contented unlike people who have everything in their hands.

I feel sorry for the boy, but I'm more furious on the stall owner. First of all it is a case of child labour. Secondly, physical abuse is intolerable. It is such rough attitude(s) that evoke the rebellious nature within an otherwise innocent human being.

And, please, don't claim via your question(s) that it is an Indian thing. It happens in many under-developed and developing nations.

So, the appropriate question is where is humanity?

Unknown said...

hey ths is the one that touced my heart !!....uhm humanity is doing down the drain for sure, respecting one another is someting we have forgotten,,, dont know where it will lead to but till then i guess what we can do is to keep a sad face :(......

Unknown said...

This is really a thought provoking one. We are never contend with what we have...always ask for more. But on the contrary our life is mch simpler nd comfortable than these God's lesser children.

Child labour should be curbed bt with our corrupt politicians, these things are done only on paper.

Make Me Disappear said...

Thank you baby...Glad you liked it :)

I felt so bad for that child. Felt like hitting that moron owner of the shop then and there

Saadi said...

Very thought provoking!

It's a pity that child labor is a huge problem in the developing countries!

Make Me Disappear said...

Yes, it is Saadi.
I wish I could slap that man then and there.